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potlights installation top floor

Top Floor Pot Lights

Considering installing potlights?
Call us!

Top floor potlights are normally installed through the attic above the top floor of a house, and there may be some concerns about safety – especially damage and the possibility of fire.

With modern potlights, fitted by one of our Qualified Master Electricians, you need have no concerns at all.  Top floor potlights are constructed with safety in mind and pose no fire risk whatsoever because we use Insulation Contact potlights.

These specially made potlights are constructed so the bulb never touches your insulation; they are surrounded by a box and kept away from contact with insulation by the void between the box and the bulb.
Our Master Electrician will ensure your safety at all times during installation.

There are no floor joists to cut through when installing top floor potlights, which means we can place potlights in just about any area of your top floor, even inside fitted closets so you can find what you are looking for with ease!

Your new potlights will be affixed to the roof’s trusses and vapor barriers installed to minimize heat loss and consolidate moisture.

Installing potlights in the top floor of your home is easy for us and is done with the minimum of fuss and mess and always with your safety in mind.

Top Floor Landings & Hallways

Top floor landings and hallways are one of the most popular areas to install new potlights, they add safety and comfort to what is often a dingy and potentially hazardous area.
Your potlights can even use pastel and softer colored bulbs with energy-efficient low wattage.  Add a sliding dimmer and infuse the area with a soft, comforting light as you sleep – you will feel warm and secure.  You will be able to rest assured that your children will not be tripping over the cat in the dark on their way to the bathroom!
Leave them on while you’re out, and they act as an added safety precaution against intruders too, or we can add a timer.

Master bedroom

The master bedroom should be an oasis of comfort, where you can relax after a shower, put your feet up, or curl up and read a book.
The addition of potlights will totally brighten the room and wash it in a pool of warm and comforting light.  Enquire about our special options for bedroom potlights, we can angle potlights so you can read in bed and add a remote, so you don’t have to climb out of bed to turn them off!
Softer colors can give a master bedroom a very intimate ambiance when dimmed and can set the mood for a very cozy evening – you may never want to get out of bed again!


If you have a small bathroom, it may appear even smaller if you have hanging fixtures and extra lighting you use for shaving or applying makeup.
A bathroom should be bright and airy so that when you step out of the shower everything feels clean – including the room!
The addition of a couple of potlights over the bath and sink can make all the difference.  Want to relax in a nice fragrant bubble bath?  Have our Master Electrician put a dimmer on your bathroom potlights, relax and enjoy, we can make your bathroom – whatever size it is – a beautiful room you’ll love to use.


Kids love to hide in their bedrooms!  If you have younger children the addition of potlights to their bedrooms will make them want to stay there even more.  Think, you could possibly confine all their mess to their own rooms, instead of them spreading their toys throughout the house!
As kids get older, they may also want to study in their rooms. With the addition of potlights, their rooms can become a bright and stimulating area, where they can write, study their books and use their computers without the need for table lamps and floor lamps all over the place, removing at least some of that clutter!
No worries about them straining their eyes either, low wattage potlights will illuminate their room as they work, and you can add a dimmer so they can relax and watch their TV with their friends – at least they’ll never fall over their piles of clothes in the night!
If you have a bedroom that is only used occasionally for guests, don’t forget to add some potlights in there too – don’t make your guests feel unwelcome with an outdated, dark and gloomy bedroom!

Take a look at our LED Potlights Portfolio Product page.

We provide FREE estimation in Toronto and Area at your home so that you can picture any of our profiles on the walls and get measurements done by a professional.

Call (647) 800-1250 or e-mail
for our expert help with your remodeling needs.

Halogen, CFL –Energy Saving
MR16, PAR16, PAR20, GU10
Line voltage, Low volage spotlights
Touch dimmers, slide and rotary dimmers, remote switches, presence detectors and timers.

We also offering:

  • Panel upgrades
  • Speakers and network wiring
  • Basements, renovations, new constriction wiring and much more


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