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basements finishing

Toronto & GTA Basements Finishing

Is there something lurking beneath your home that is pleading to become part of your family?  Are you ashamed if it, or does it annoy you so much you never go down there to visit?  Is it full of stuff you put down there, because you never want to see it again?
Your basement is crying out to become part of the rest of your home!  You may think it’s impossible, with all those protruding pipes, weird angles, and the air conditioning unit with all its convoluted duct work, plus it’s dark down there and creepy.

But think about how much wasted space there is!
It’s time to turn your basement into a man theater!  Think of all those Sundays you could spend down there, with your buddies watching football. Would there be room for a bar perhaps?  Just a small one of course, and how about a pool table too and a bathroom of course – there’s no end to the possibilities.

We love basements!  They are a difficult area to tackle for sure, but if you have a basement, we can convert it into something you can enjoy and be proud and that will add a lot of value to your home.

The only thing we would ask you to do is clear all that stuff out of there! Donate it all, and if there’s anything left over we can build you fitted closets to store it in.
We can install the drywall and at the same time add some potlights on a dimmer, so you can dramatically dim the lights as your movie comes on. Then we can build custom cabinetry to house your big screen TV, which will conveniently hide all those boxes, DVDs and cables that come along with it.

If the stairs are rickety, then we can install a nice safe new set for you.  We will take HVAC and all your electrical needs into account as we design your new home theater. Our Qualified Master Electricians will be on hand to figure out all those extra electrical considerations.

We would be happy to give you a private viewing of what your new basement home theater will look like too, with our 3D computer visualization software.
Pick up the phone and talk to one of our helpful consultants today. Lights!  Camera!  Action!

We provide FREE estimation in Toronto and Area at your home so that you can picture any of our profiles on the walls and get measurements done by a professional.

Call (647) 800-1250 or e-mail
for our expert help with your residential or commercial renovation needs.


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